..."from the artisit point of view"

January 23, 2009  •  Leave a Comment

I am flying out to Arizona in the morning, and I am wound up with excitement... and that means I won't be falling asleep anytime soon... I am meeting up with my good friend Meagan, and we will be traveling around seeing the sights. Of course, I will have camera in tow... We want to head north from Phoenix to the red rocks of Sedona, and then on to the Grand Canyon... they are calling for snow flurries. I hope it is a dusting- and not a full blown snow fall. The potential for the amazing photo factor is quite high!... wish us luck!
The Melon Bluff Nature Center, in Midway Georgia, is hosting an Arbor Day Photo Contest next month. ... from the flyer..."The focus is on Georgia's magnificent state tree- the live oak- from the artist point of view. Photographs should seek to capture the live oaks unique beauty from minute details to its place in our natural landscape. Former Georgia's State Photographer and 2008 DNR Artist- in- residence, Diane Kirkland, will serve as the judge for this year's inaugural competition." OK- I'm up for that... now just what am I going to enter.... I really don't have any good oak tree shots in my collection... hmmmm. There is an amazing dead tree in the field along the road to the horse barn at work... I just can't get the lighting right for it to stand out from the pack... I'm thinking the contest is looking for wilderness type photos....well... I'm thinking that they are going to have to settle for some - domesticated citi fied oak trees- isn't that what Savannah is known for? so I spent the better part of this past week searching for- my tree shot. Have you ever thought about just how many thousands of trees there are in town and then trying to find the right one- the one that says something... and then trying to get the right angle etc. that is not blocked by a bunch of parked cars, homes etc... like I said- I searched... I was driving down Gaston street at the north end of Forsyth Park yesterday, and looked over... that's it. I made sure I looked at the time to get the lighting just so. There along the sidewalk was the alley of trees and in the back ground was a beautiful blooming Red Bud tree. Sold!. I'll be back. I took today off to pack for my trip etc... was I packing?.. no, I was out twice- tree shot hunting. I got my shots- all 58 of them... try this setting, try this view point .... came back and tweeked them in the computer... had to pull a book out to get a "recipe" for a few things.. and on the other page was the Infrared ... no still not packing- I'm playing with pictures... take color out- put color back... hey that is pretty cool! So- this may not be exactly what they are looking for... but this is what I'm submitting. I can enter two- so I think I will put in this one, and the original- beautiful green colors and then the pop of the red bud in the center- You can see the others on the web page under "Savannah's Oaks"...wish me luck. The opening reception for the contest is Saturday February 21st...now all I have to do is come up with a title for them uuuuugggghhh! As always - I'm open for suggestions.... and I'm thinking this shot is my new favorite of the month...


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